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Unlock a return on relationships with a referral partner programĀ 

Reach more telecom customers, quicker and more profitably.


What you’ll learn from this white paper

  • How a referral partner program creates a competitive advantage    
  • What elements a successful referral partner program should include 
  • How to effectively launch or optimize your referral program for maximum ROI

See how engaging and incentivizing a trusted audience increases market share

Why should telecom leaders develop a referral program?

Referral partners like leasing agents, IT consultants, etc. have a big say in what tech and carrier services people choose. As demand for cellular and internet service surges, tapping into trusted audiences can help you connect more credibly with consumers.

Many can choose from multiple broadband carriers but struggle to make sense of their options. Building relationships with referral partners can establish your brand as the carrier of choice within a market.

Word-of-mouth marketing is also an affordable strategy. A formalized partner program can streamline referral, reward, and reporting processes.  

 Is your existing partner referral program missing elements?

Running a strong referral program requires the right strategy and technology. Audience identification. Personalized incentives and communication. Tracking and analytics. Great referral programs do more than reward. They build an enthusiastic community of ambassadors around products and services, which generates lasting loyalty.

Referred customers have a 16% higher lifetime value than non-referred customers.

—American Marketing Association

How do you know if your partner referral program is effective?

You can’t optimize a program unless you’re able to track and analyze performance. Monitoring response times, close rates, redemptions, etc. informs program administrators what’s working and where the program should evolve.

Activate, enhance and empower partner relationships with a referral program and incentives.