
Prove your event ROI: 8 overlooked metrics to improve event measurement


What you'll learn in this guide:

  • Which metrics matter for determining event success
  • How to prove bottom-line impact with data
  • When to measure to fully quantify event ROI

Uncover what’s missing from your existing event measurement strategy.

Did your event achieve its strategic objectives?

Events are a dynamic marketing strategy designed around specific business goals, but also a large line-item in your budget. Proving their value is essential, especially if you want to enhance your event year after year.

Event marketers must develop and execute an event measurement approach that clearly and comprehensively calculates business impact. Tying attendee sentiment to conversion rates, lead generation and other reporting ensures stakeholders recognize the ROI.

Are you making the most of existing data?

Telling your ROI story effectively requires moving beyond standard event reporting. Every touchpoint is an opportunity to capture data. Separating attendees and non-attendees shows key differences in engagement and buying behavior.

Are you measuring event ROI more than once?

How often you measure matters as much as which metrics you’re pulling. Capturing the true picture of conversions, etc. requires multi-month reporting. Standardize frequency to benchmark performance across all of your events.

Cvent shows that 52% of businesses believe events provide the greatest ROI compared to other marketing channels.

Boost your business intelligence with these 8 must-have event metrics.