Incentive travel index.

Get ahead of emerging trends with the latest Incentive Travel Index report


What you’ll discover in the report

  • The destinations and regions rising in popularity for incentive trips 
  • Attitude shifts around the purpose and benefits driving incentive travel 
  • Correctly budgeting per-capita spending on incentive travel programs to maximize investments
  • Expected impacts of technology, emerging threats and other headwinds      

Access the Incentive Travel Index (ITI) Report and use its insights to inform upcoming incentive travel program planning.

Explore the industry’s most authoritative incentive travel study

As a sponsor, ITA Group is excited to share a first look at the ITI Report, which delivers professionally analyzed data from a balanced audience. This year’s survey received more responses than ever before. Nearly 2,500 incentive travel industry professionals representing 19 industry verticals and 83 countries participated in the survey.

Conducted through a partnership between Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) & Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE) in association with Oxford Economics, ITI is an indispensable annual report on the state of incentive travel, providing data on current and future evolution.

Dig into destination trends

Key elements of the Index include highlighting destination selection trends and forecasting which regions will see increased incentive trip traffic in the near future. For North American buyers, Caribbean locations are gaining popularity, with Western Europe also on the rise—potentially due to a strong dollar. Cruises continue to be in high consideration. 

Industry leaders are meeting elevated expectations while assessing rising expenses. Creating culturally relevant experiences in an emerging destination and rediscovering tried-and-true spots should play into decision-making.

71% of respondents indicated they planned to increase use of a “new destination not used before,” up double digits from the previous Index.

Learn how organizations are assessing incentive travel ROI

Incentive travel is increasingly recognized as an essential component of a vibrant corporate culture. Previously, trips were primarily used to motivate individual performance (increase “hard dollars”). Now, the benefits around enhancing relationships and overall performance are gaining importance. Retaining talent and bringing together a dispersed workforce are becoming top incentive travel strategic priorities.

64% of buyers forecast per-person incentive travel spend numbers grow by 2025 and 14% predict they’ll be significantly above 2022. 

Claim your copy of the 2024 Incentive Travel Index Report to prepare beyond 2024