Additionally, don’t underestimate how effective communications maximize an incentive travel program’s ROI. Motivate particpants pre-trip by highlighting the destination, one-of-a-kind experiences and overall brand message.
For example, as a teaser for a client’s Aruba trip, we sent blue and cognac leather passport wallets and luggage tags (to match the color of the beach) to participants and their guests.
By including their loved ones at home in the gifting experience, we added extra motivation to earn the trip. Imagine loved ones encouraging participants with statements like, “I want to go to Aruba and snorkel at a sunken ship. I bet you can make that goal!”
All communications should reinforce how participants are making an impact on the organization’s success, tying the experience back to why they won it through their hard work and amazing performance.
The best incentive travel programs are personally meaningful experiences for your top achievers—before, during and after the trip.
Learn how to motivate your team with a personalized incentive trip.