
Budget Cuts, ROI & Executive Buy-In: The Case for Measuring Incentive Programs

Learn how to measure the success of your incentive program—and make the data matter to stakeholders.

According to the study, 48% of program owners’ greatest challenge when it comes to measuring the success of incentive programs is that Executives and Senior Leaders in large companies aren’t paying attention to the data.

Download our white paper for our analysis and recommendations of the Incentive Research Foundation 'Metrics of Success for Incentive and Reward Programs': 

  • Prove program worth through segmentation, customization and creative presentation
  • Create cost savings with creative changes to communications and program design
  • Shift messaging toward support and ongoing investment to send a message of stability

In the wake of recent market changes, it’s more important than ever to leverage your data in a way stakeholders understand so you can continue to motivate employees and drive results.