Improve Performance by Sharing Personalized KPIs in Participant-Level Dashboards

Learn how an ITA Group helped a client struggling to meet their year-end customer experience KPIs with role-relevant goals and data visualization.

sales support and service incentive technology platform

A client was struggling to meet their customer experience KPIs. All of the year-end projections showed their metrics were set to be off by a large margin—a stark contrast to the prior 18 months of strong performance and growth. It left our client feeling disappointed and unsure of how to meet their corporate goals.  

chart showing client end-of-year projections

The Data Was There, but Their Approach Was Off

The client had all the data they needed to measure their metrics. The missing piece was identifying the problems to fix then putting that data into the hands of those who could fix it. Their end-goal? Ensure a certain percentage of locations met the metrics around sales tasks including:

  • Sending the appropriate follow-up communication after a sale
  • Using multiple methods of customer interactions (e.g., text and email)
  • Reaching out in a timely manner

However, this still left them with a couple questions. What can we do to achieve these goals? What can our local partners do to track and monitor their progress?

The information collected showed them where they were but not where to make changes to positively impact their KPIs. Putting relevant and personalized metrics and goals in front of participants in a visual way to interpret progress is the secret behind creating a positive impact.

Making the Goals & Metrics More Accessible Was Key

They turned to ITA Group for help figuring out a solution. Conversations were had around making the goals and metrics more accessible to the participants in the program instead of serving up the same corporate goal to everyone. This led to a quick and dirty mock-up of what a series of dashboards could look like at each point in the hierarchy. The new dashboards would showcase the metrics and progress to goal, but also commonly sought after questions around claim statuses. This process helped our client answer questions like:

  • How can we make these metrics relevant down to the individual level?
  • Can we make it simple for them to check and track their progress?
  • Can we also show roll-up performance to give managers and leaders at every level a look into their performance and that of the teams they’re responsible for?
  • How can we also cut down on some of the admin from people asking about claim status?

After further discussion, the dashboards and the core components of them were refined and built for production.

service incentive dashboard on laptop

Creating Clarity With Visualization Reduces Administrative Time

The dashboards and data visualization tools were rolled into the existing program portal, and an internal communication campaign was launched to educate each level in their distribution channel about the new tool and how it can be used to earn in the program and also help meet their goals. 

The dashboard was well received by the participants and they remarked that being able to log into the dashboard and see a graph with their progress month-to-month as well as how far they have to go is a huge time saver and very helpful.

By showcasing claim information in the dashboard as well, participants could check their status and be alerted in real-time to potential issues, significantly cutting down on the time program administrators spent responding to inquiries from the field.

Behind the scenes even more administrative time is saved as the new dashboards consolidate five different data sources and push them to a single database through automation. It then pulls the stored data and sends it to the dashboards.

Engagement Increases Immediately in First 3 Months

The dashboards are now the second most viewed place in their program portal, second only to the claim submission section. And while the usage and engagement is fantastic, the ultimate goal of improving their metrics and meeting their goals were impacted as well. The power behind putting personalized metrics and goals in a visual format for participants lead to KPI improvement and exceeding their corporate goals.

chart showing success rate


34% increase in visits to the program portal since implementing the dashboards

Sales reps are trending above goal for their yearly benchmarks

10% up from their goal from the previous year